• 법인소개
  • 애향원
  • 직업재활프로그램
  • 지역사랑
  • 후원및봉사하기
  • 커뮤니티
  • 싸이월드도토리후원 해피빈
  • 자유게시판
    애향원  커뮤니티  자유게시판
    작성일 : 23-08-08 18:44
    Best new subscription service
     글쓴이 : JamesDean
    조회 : 130  
    The contest offers ideas on overall services linked to customer value, such as enhancing user convenience through digital conversion and unique services that can only be enjoyed at Gangwon Land and High1 Resort.

    Thank you. >>

    Applications for participation and idea proposals posted on Gangwon Land's website can be filled out and sent to the person in charge's e-mail by the 31st.

    The evaluation items are implementation effect, feasibility, and content fidelity, and Gangwon Land will select the final winner in September after the first working-level evaluation, second evaluation by managers and external experts.

    The prize money is 2 million won for the grand prize (1 case), 1 million won for the excellence award (2 cases), and 300,000 won for the encouragement award (3 cases), totaling 4.9 million won.

    Lee Woo-sik, head of the performance innovation team, said, "We plan this contest to strengthen sustainable future competitiveness," adding, "We hope that many fresh ideas that meet the customer values pursued by Gangwon Land will be discovered."




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